The Vagus Nerve: A Key To Your Child’s Health and Well-Being
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The Vagus Nerve: A Key To Your Child’s Health and Well-Being

The vagus nerve is the body’s superhighway, connecting the brain to the gut, heart, and more. Discover how this vital nerve supports digestion, emotional regulation, and resilience—and how chiropractic care can optimize its function for better health.

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The Motor Nervous System & Your Child’s Development: Why Every Milestone Matters
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The Motor Nervous System & Your Child’s Development: Why Every Milestone Matters

From rolling over to crawling and walking, every motor milestone is a critical part of your child’s brain and nervous system development. Skipping or struggling with these movements can indicate neurological stress. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of motor tone, movement-based therapies, and how chiropractic care helps ensure proper coordination and growth

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The Neuro-Behavioral “Detox” with Chiropractic Care: What Parents Need to Know
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The Neuro-Behavioral “Detox” with Chiropractic Care: What Parents Need to Know

As your child’s nervous system heals, you may notice temporary increases in symptoms like tantrums, anxiety, or sensory overload. This ‘neuro-behavioral detox’ is a natural and necessary step in the healing process. In this blog, we’ll explain why this happens, how chiropractic care facilitates true nervous system balance, and how parents can confidently support their child’s journey.

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What Is Subluxation and How Does It Impact Your Child’s Health?
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What Is Subluxation and How Does It Impact Your Child’s Health?

A subluxation is a miscommunication in the nervous system, interfering with the body’s ability to function and heal. Left uncorrected, it can contribute to pain, stress, and chronic health issues. In this blog, we break down what a subluxation is, how it affects your nervous system, and how chiropractic care helps restore balance.

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The Nervous System: The Master Control Center of Health and Healing
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The Nervous System: The Master Control Center of Health and Healing

Your nervous system is the key to health and healing. From digestion and immune function to stress adaptation and emotional well-being, every system in your body relies on a well-balanced nervous system. Learn how the vagus nerve, autonomic balance, and chiropractic care work together to optimize your health.

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